When former Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern DIstrict of New York and now a partner at a prestigous Firm with over 600 Attorneys calls us with a referral its always a great honor for many reasons. We have represented all types of clients from diverse backgrounds and career paths but this one was special and our first from this firm. This client had a extremely successful career in his own right and had done his homework in the Prison Consulting space before being introduced to us. After our first call though, we knew we could make a difference for him, and it felt great. We knew we had differentiated ourselves and also that the space had become a little stale from a few perspectives and we had addressed it.

As I have mentioned in the past, many of my fellow inmates when incarcerated simply fired their consultant within the first 60 days inside, and I spoke to all of them to find out the weak points and “common threads” they all had as to why it seemed th falling short in so many aey were not happy with the peole they had hired, and we dove into the “WHEN” these issues seemed to occur, and especially focused on the “WHY”. We then broke down what people weren’t doing and how we could be better by being proactive and not reactive. Finding holes in the current consulting model and sealing those holes was what we knew we could be good at. Knowing that our clients would rely on us the whole way through their process while we were constantly gaining information from all directions in order to help them better by growing our knowlege base daily became our mission.

Well, in our last call this client told us how much we set ourselves apart and offered things others did not and simply hadn’t thought of yet. He had some good things to say about some of our competition but also validated our mission and model which made it a great day for us. We try to be the first ones in and last ones out and never stop trying to gain information on the industry. We discuss and understand and know first hand what our clients are going through but also keep up to date informationally in regards to the other presonalities in this process. The prosecutors, judges, counselors, and correction officers and knowledge of those various personalities and how to effectively deal with each one is important during this process, as is staying on top of the information coming from/through Congress and the Senate with of course and the upcoming elections also having a lot of policy potentially “in play” for each party which will affect the BOP as a whole and therefore affect things like the First Step act and other policies regarding reducing recidivism as a key component.
